
Obtaining Scores Guide

Here's how to graduate from the Angel Lyceum.
First, obtain 5 scores to graduate. If you wan to challenge yourself, you may earn 15 scores to take the training for top students. Each way is different from one class to another. The classes are divided into two main systems: Production System and Fighting System.

Fighting System: It includes two sub-systems: magic system and physical system. Each system also has its own specific classes. Here are some spells and skills available to each class.

Magic System: Classes of Magic System: Priest, Necromancer, Summoner, Magician.
Priest: Health, Curse, Meditate, Magic Transfer, Staff Hit, Cloth Armor.
Necromancer: Chaos, Curse, Meditate, Magic Transfer, Staff Hit, Cloth Armor.
Summoner: Death, Curse, Meditate, Magic Transfer, Staff Hit, Cloth Armor.
Magician: Earth, Curse, Meditate, Magic Transfer, Staff Hit, Cloth Armor.

Physical System: Classes of Physical System: Protector, Warrior, Swordsman, Spearman, Arcer.
Protector: Melee Attack, Enhance, Grapple, Shield, Reserve, Plate Armor.
Warrior: Melee Attack, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Finesse, Plate Armor.
Swordsman: Sword, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Finesse, Plate Armor.
Spearman: Spear, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Finesse, Plate Armor.
Archer: Reserve, Finesse, Longbow, Snipe, Eagle Eye, Leather Armor.

The way to obtain scores for the Fighting System Players: It's relatively easy for players majoring in Fighting System to obtain Credits, and little angels only need to accept quests from the Magic Professor and Battle Professor and complete them repeatedly. It's recommend that players should take courses from both the Magic Professor and the Battle Professor.

Production System: Classes of Manufacturing: Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Tailor, Technician and Chef.
Weaponsmith skills: Weapon, Dig, Lumber, Mechanics, Drive and Mantle.
Armorsmith skills: Armor, Collect, Dig, Mechanics, Drive and Mantle.
Tailor's skills: Sew, Collect, Fishing, Mechanics, Drive and Mantle.
Technician's skills: Technics, Collect, Lumber, Mechanism, Drive and Mantle.
Chef's skills: Cook, Collect, Fishing, Mechanics, Drive and Mantle.

The way to obtain scores for the Production System Players: It's a little difficult for players majoring in Production to do quests to kill monsters, because they have low attack power. So it's a good idea for them to take courses from the Mine Professor or another corresponding Professor. They have 1 credit courses and 2 credit courses.
When players obtain 5 credits, they can find the Angels' Tutor and apply for graduation. But if you want to challenge yourself, you may obtain up to 15 credits as well, and then find Michael to take the Top Student Training. If you can complete the appointed mission, you will be considered an excellent student, and are qualified to obtain a unique weapon and an excellent student certificate. These things you obtain are equal to level 20 equipment. However players who major in manufacturing are not encouraged to do the quest because once you start driving robots, those kinds of equipment are not as useful, and they will only take up space in your bag.

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